A Well-stocked Wilderness Larder

Photograph of the larder in a wilderness hunting cabin in a remote part of Alaska.
The Well-stocked Wilderness Larder
We had packed in sufficient quantities of our own food and so were in no danger of going hungry when a dangerous winter storm came up out of nowhere, flash-freezing Black Lake and stranding us in a tiny cabin on its shores. But I admit… it had been a long time since I’d had a slab of fried spam; it proved to be more than I could resist. Black Lake in the Chignik Drainage, January 2018

2 thoughts on “A Well-stocked Wilderness Larder

  1. I bet the very next time you had some fresh fruit,vegetables, and fish/meat it was like manna from heaven.I have been there (spammed out)too.

    • Ha ha. We had brought a few apples with us from our home in the village, apples being the only fruit that we could reliably ship out to The Lake. But you’re right: After a fall, winter and spring of subsisting primarily on cabbage, carrots, Brussels sprouts, onions, the various wild berries we’d picked and freezer-packed and the occasional apple, as soon as we hit the city (Anchorage) each spring, we would make a beeline for Costco and purchase one of those great big trays of assorted vegetables, and that would be our First Dinner. And the following morning for breakfast… Bananas! Thanks for the note!

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