That’s not a map… THIS is a map!

We’d been looking for a wall map and hadn’t found the right one. Till now. Advertised as a “wall mural,” this National Geographic map is 9′ 2″ wide by 6′ 4″ high and occupies a commanding place on our living room wall. The map is made of vinyl coated wallpaper material, so it looks great and should be durable.

We’ve begun using it to mark places we’ve been to and, more importantly, places we hope to visit. Flag pins with numbers correlate with brief descriptions of the various locales posted on a wall near the map. It makes us smile, and it’s a great conversation piece!

13 thoughts on “That’s not a map… THIS is a map!

  1. That is a great idea. National Geographic has such a wonderful variety of maps. I may have to check into them myself, since my grandsons are approaching an age, where having a map on the wall could prove to be very educational. When my oldest son was 6, we gave him a globe for Christmas. He loved it. We played all kinds of games with it and as a result, he gained an interest in geography at a young age. Kudos to you for a wonderful share! 🙂 Good job … and it looks good, especially beside your book shelf.

  2. When our daughter Maia was young, we had a nice globe, and it was indeed fun and educational. When we saw these wall maps, one of our first thoughts was how great they’d be for kids. Barbra and I learned things even as we were putting it up!

  3. We’ve been looking for a nice wall map. Yours is a beauty! Perfect size for that wall. I’m inspired to keep hunting for one to fit in our place.

  4. That is a great map! I have been looking for something along those lines – never even thought of National Geographic, but that makes so much sense! May not be what the doctor ordered for my wanderlust….but the daydreams and travel planning will certainly be getting bigger!

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