Water Necklace

Water Necklace – Chignik River, September 18, 202

A second bear is just barely visible in the upper left of this photograph of a healthy sow that has trapped a spawning Sockeye Salmon in her forepaws beneath the water. Anytime the salmon are running from July through November, bears can be expected along the river and lake.

2 thoughts on “Water Necklace

  1.       A Prayer for The Wild Things

    Oh, Great Spirit, we come to you with love and gratitude for all living things.We now pray especially for our relatives of the wilderness–the four legged,the winged,those that live in waters, and those that crawl upon the land.Bless them that they might continue to live in freedom and enjoy their right to be wild.Fill our hearts with tolerance, appreciation, and respect for all living things so that we all might live together in harmony and peace.

          Marcellus Bear Heart Williams


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